2009年2月13日 星期五

Steps for Developing Flex applications

Typical application development steps

You typically develop a Flex application by using the following steps:

1. Within a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE), such as Adobe Flex Builder, Eclipse, or IntelliJ, insert the MXML root tags into an MXML file.
2. Add one or more containers.
3. Add controls to a container, such as input fields, buttons, and output fields.
4. Define a data model.
5. Add a web service, HTTP service, or request to a remote Java object.
6. Add validation to input data.
7. Add a script to extend a component.
8. Compile your application into a SWF file.

If you have Flex Data Services, you can deploy your application as a set of MXML and ActionScript files. Upon receiving an HTTP request to an MXML file, Flex Data Services compiles your application into a SWF file. For more information, see Building a Flex Data Services Application.
